Monday, July 9, 2012

I have So much yet I have done Nothing

I have decided to stop half-assing on my abilities and dreams as far as writing is concerned. That is why I have started this blog.
I have a passion for running and I have realized that my writing is competing for space with my running and the writing is getting bombed by the running and it has lost space and time to running. I look around me and I see people who have so little (in terms of age, available time and perhaps even need-to-write) yet they have got published.
Yes I can say they have published garbage but they still did get published. I have not got published and that is a shame because In have so much. I have so much life experience in terms of books I have soaked up, the crap I have been through, the laughs I have enjoyed, people I have met, feelings I have felt, cities and countries I have visited, relationships with friends, family and the opposite sex, my writing that has got published and all the thoughts that my mind has churned.
I am so rich yet I keep pissing on my abilities. This is not acceptable and this state of affairs must end. And moaning about how I have wasted my life with plans of many things is not acceptable either.

This blog is an attempt to give style and voice to my writing. It is my attempt to get my space, my style and my voice away from the stifling forces of censorship, acceptability and conformity. It is time for the runner to inspire the writer because the runner confronts at least ten reasons to stop running everyday yet he flings back the warm covers and snatches his tired body from the warm bed and leaps onto the earth then proceeds to rush into the cold to pound the tarmac repeatedly with his feet to no end. He does this without any expectation for glory or profit. He does it because he can and because he loves the challenge of doing it in the face of all the obstacles.
Detotalization is a postmodernist ambition. I may write something about it in future. Here is Dambisa Moyo at one of her book signings. She inspires me in some ways.
Lets see how this goes. Enjoy.

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